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My name is William Anderson and I live in Wewak, Papua New Guinea.

I am hoping to involve teens (including local youths from Wewak) from as far and near as this ministry grows.



I am doing a distribution program that helps people in hospitals get supplies that they don’t have (and that are not provided by the hospital). The people that we are going to give the supplies to are people from all around our local area and province. We will be sourcing our supplies locally from the stores and suppliers here in Wewak. This will be the easiest way of getting supplies, as shipping is very expensive.



We go every other week to the hospital to preach and sing in one of the wards.  As funds allow we will bring bags to distribute at this time.



The hospital conditions here are poor, and many people that come from far away don't have friends or family in town, and are lacking in products of personal hygiene. We hope, as God allows, to be able to expand this ministry out to the neighboring village’s clinics and beyond.



When I finished reading a book called “Do Hard Things” I wanted to do something a little bigger than what the world calls normal. I decided to embark upon a project that was a little more challenging than building a tower on a video game. So, I talked with my parents about doing a distribution program to support the local church's visitation ministry. I am hoping that these small gifts will be able to open the hearts of the people in these hospitals to the amazing gift of God’s salvation through grace and believing on his son, Jesus Christ.

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