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Hi. This is the blog section where you can check out what's going on. Here you will find updates on all things concerning Goodnewsandagift. 

Tue, 24th of January, 2023

Today we went to the hospital to preach and sing. Brother Zraik, our fellow worker, preached and my Dad, Joseph Anderson, gave an invitation. 

Although no one responded my dad was able to talk to a man about "graven images" and give him the gospel. The man was a seventh-day-adventist, and we invited him to come to our church this week. We did not give out bags this time, but will in two weeks when we go again.

We are fully funded for our next round to give out the gifts, praise the Lord! But we will be needing more funds if we would like to continue going regularly.

I recently added a video to the website. If you would like to watch it, it's in the 'about' section. 

Thank you for your support and please keep praying.

Tue, 14 of February, 2023

We have had some visitors from America, as well as a brother from Australia, and today we went to the hospital to preach and sing.

This week we had quite enough gift bags to give to the patients, with some left over. We will try going weekly, as the Lord provides.

Please keep praying that the Lord will provide the funds, and open door as the hospital is opening a new section soon and is

becoming more strict concerning visitors. If you would care to donate, please click here.

Tue, 9 of May, 2023

About a month and a half ago, we had a group of eleven people from Australia come for a week. On March 28, 2023, the troop and a couple of local churches in the area packed around 170-180 bags with soap, water, toothbrush and toothpaste, laundry detergent and toilet paper. That evening we loaded them all into tubs and drove them to the hospital to pass out in all the wards. Here is one of the nicer rooms.                                                                                      As you can see, all of the beds are in one room with only a curtain to section                                                                                         off the patients from each other. The group and churches where able to pass                                                                                      out about 160-70 bags. When I paid for the supplies it came to around                                                                                           $600 and completely depleted my stock of cash. About two weeks later a                                                                                        Brother sent a substantial amount of money, completely    replenishing my                                                                                           supply of money. Thank you all for you prayers, and please keep on                                                                                            praying.

Sunday, January 2, 2024

It has been a while since I last said anything on this update page. In March of 2023, my family decided to take a short furlough throughout the winter months of 2023 and 2024 and for that reason there has not been much to write about. 

The Lord has really blessed me and I have received a few donations for my ministry. When we return to PNG in the summer of 2024 I will start up my ministry as soon as possible.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

I haven't been very consistent with writing these reports, but its about time i did as my father and i will be returning to PNG on the 15


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